Saturday, September 11, 2010

October Book List

For those of you who like to plan ahead, the October book list is up! Let me know if you have any questions!


  1. Thanks! I was just thinking I should start requesting library books. :)

  2. I'm in trouble for Oct books - I'm like 5th in line for most of my books. Guess I should get my Nov list up asap.

  3. Oh no! Are you having a hard time getting the 3 books that have the activities with them? The others really don't matter, those just happened to be books that I had. Any books along the same theme will work. As far as the others, if a lot of people are having a hard time getting the books, I'm considering maybe taking out those lessons and just offering them as "extras". I'll post on facebook and see how everyone else is doing on books!
