Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lesson Plan Posting Tutorial

Everyone should have the Microsoft Word version of our lesson plan template, if you did not receive it by e-mail please let me know! (I can be reached at

Okay, once you create your lesson plans for the week (remember there are 3 per week) you need to save them as a PDF file. You can download a free PDF file converter by clicking the gray button at Primo PDF's website. You must save and close the document before clicking and dragging it onto the PrimoPDF button on your desktop.

Once it's been converted into a PDF file you can use Googledocs to upload it onto the web. I was using Google Groups, but they have decided to eliminate the document sharing option for groups. Googledocs should work just fine for everyone though. This will create a url for your document so you can link to it on the web.

When you're ready, write up your new post and be sure to include hyperlinks to the required documents. The hyperlink button is the 5th button from the left when you're typing a new post on Blogger. Simply copy the url of the document, highlight the text you want to link through, click the hyperlink box, and paste the url into the hyperlink box that appears.

If you are using any activities or crafts that you got directly off of another website, please direct people to that website through a link rather than copying any content from the website onto the blog. This allows the originator of the activity full credit and gives everyone an opportunity to see the amazing resources out there for teaching little ones! Just be sure to link directly to the activity so nobody has to go on a wild goose chase looking for the activity you're referring to. It should be a simple click and print kind of thing.

There is a small box for "labels" at the bottom right hand of the new post box. I think it'll be easiest if we all just add a label for our month. So if you're posting lessons for October, week 2, just type "October" into the box.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Manda! I'm going to work on getting October's plans up for next week!
