Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January Week 2

Here are the lesson plans:

Day 1:
Supply List
colored paper
cotton balls
white paper

The instructions for the Number N are here. You can cut out a piece of cardboard and draw an "N" on it. You can prepare the rest of the "N" craft while your child works on decorating the "N".

Day 2:
Supply List
container for your "storm" -bottle, jar or tupperware
food coloring
vegetable oil
masking tape or painter's tape
balled up socks, bean bag or crumpled paper for "snowball"

You may choose to either prepare your storm bottle before or during the activity. Tape some shapes on the floor. We have a rug on the playroom floor that the tape works well on, but you may want to test out a small strip first to make sure it doesn't leave a mark! If tape won't work for your home, you can also draw large shapes on construction paper and lay them on the floor for your child to throw the "snowball" at.

Day 3:
Supply List
Ingredients for the snowball cookies - butter, sugar, egg, vanilla, salt, flour, m&ms or chocolate chips, powdered sugar
Fuzzballs of different colors
Bowls/containers lined with colors that correspond to your fuzzball colors
spoon, tweezers, chopsticks if you want your child to use them

Prepare the cooking activity depending on what your child can handle. I usually get all of the ingredients out and have them pre-measured and then Nathan adds each thing to the bowl. I do like to have him count out cups or teaspoons of things to practice his counting and attention to a task. For the sorting activity, line your bowls or containers with colored paper.


  1. This is my first week here and I'm so excited. I can't wait to see how these activities go!!

    I do have a question. On day 1 for the letter N it says to "follow the directions to make the number N with your child..." I didn't see any additional directions. Am i missing something or am I just over thinking this? Thanks!

  2. I didn't realize the links in the PDF lesson plans don't work. Anyone know how to fix this?
    Anyways dawajs813 - I put a link to the instructions for the Number N in the prep section for day 1. Click on here and it will take you to the website for instructions. Hope that helps! Have fun!

  3. Tracy, thank you. When I first read the instructions in the prep section.
    I must have overlooked the "here" part. My kids will love this I can't wait to do it with them tomorrow.
