Sunday, August 22, 2010

Prepping for September

Alright everyone, we're just 2 weeks away from our start date, yay!

To make sure everyone feels confident and prepared going into the month I thought I'd explain a bit and open this post up to any questions for those joining in on the lessons.

First, make sure you have glanced over the supplies list for Week 1. Click the image below and print it out if you'd like. Most things are pretty standard, and other things like construction paper, googly eyes, and fingerpaints are things that will be used for future lessons so don't feel like they are one time things. If you need ideas on the cheapest place to find things you don't have just let me know! As a hint, Target's dollar section has googly eyes and IKEA has a $5 small set of primary colored fingerpaints. Construction paper can be found anywhere for pretty cheap, as can markers and crayons. I'm getting apples from our backyard tree (aren't you jealous, hehe!) but I'm pretty sure those are easy to find elsewhere :)

Second, hop online or head over to your local library to reserve some books for this month. Below I have the entire month's list of suggested books. Don't stress if you can't find all of them, this is a suggested list, not the end-all-be-all of reading time! So long as you can scrounge up 2 books per week you'll do just fine I promise. Oh, and The Little Red House with No Windows and No Doors is a printable booklet I've adapted that you will be able to print out, fold along the crease, and staple into your own little book. Very cute and very easy I promise!

Third, think about where you want to do your crafts, songs, and reading time. Then you can put your craft supplies in easy reach. Remember, old shoeboxes make perfect boxes for craft supplies and they're free! Don't forget an old t-shirt or bib for an art smock. I plan to hang my son's in our pantry door for easy access since we do crafts at the kitchen table.

For reading time it might be good to have a basket for books around. You can refill this basket with library books every month, so your kids can browse books related to our theme whenever they want. This way library books stay organized in one area, easy to round up when they're due.

As for lessons, we (the planners) will be making the lesson plans and posting them 1 week in advance every time. Each week will have 3 days of lessons so you can choose which days you want to do the activities. When we post the lesson plans for the week just print them out and glance them over to see which materials you'll need to get out for each day. That's it, no creativity or teaching license required I promise!! Just plan to sing songs, do a craft, read a book, and enjoy your kids. Then show off their crafts to dads and grandparents to ooh and ahh over.

Now that I've written a novel and hopefully not scared anyone off, any questions?


  1. Hi, I was going to email, but clicked your name and was told your profile wasn't enabled. :)

    I think this is a great resource and look forward to all you'll be doing.

    I have a suggestion for you (take it or leave it, of course), but I would suggest that you enable comment moderation on older posts so that if someone has a question about a certain post, you can respond right to them. Or you could just include a contact us link, too.

    I noticed the links on the side. I'm wondering if this is original curriculum ideas or a combination of original and others' (the way it is for most teachers).

    Take care!

  2. Thanks for the suggestion about the comments, I'm not entirely sure how to enable comment moderation on older posts but I'll definitely try to figure it out :) I'm also going to make sure I can be e-mailed through here, that is a definite mistake!

    The links are to several homeschooling blogs I've found useful and yes this is a combination of original and 'borrowed' ideas. All borrowed ideas will be properly linked and credit given :) My goal is to combine all the cool resources and ideas out there into one comprehensive curriculum for any parent to follow without needing to do all the legwork to collect those neat ideas themselves.

  3. This is an incredible site. I love how it is put together, and the first week of lessons look great. Thank you for all your hard work.

    I have a question about the lessons. I was wondering if there would be more explanation on how to complete the activities. I looked up Sid the Science Guy and found a video on a child making the applesauce, so I think I know how to do that, but I am curious about the alphabet scrapbook. I don't know how to make that. I also am unfamilar with the Aa booklet. Any advice would be much appreciated or a link if I am missing something.
    Thanks! Holly
